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Why choose Ziflow over

frameio Paid ziflow-4 Free
Video review and approval
Version Control
Best-in-class product uptime
Review and approve all media types
  • Video
  • Animations
  • Web
  • Static Images
  • PDF
  • 3D
  • ... and much more
Batch Review - Combine any media types into a single approval
Automated workflows and review stages
  • Multi-stage workflows
  • Workflow templates
  • Workflow automation
Unlimited reviewers
Free plan & trial
Luke D., Video Producer, Linney

"This product works well across my video workflow enabling proofing of scripts and storyboards to animation elements and full films and digital exports for a host of different marketing channels we export to.

The customer service from ZiFlow is excellent. They understand the need to respond quickly as they know the market and the pressures on us as a film production company. "

Luke D.

Video Producer @ Linney

See all case studies

Real results to deliver exceptional creative

  • ziflow-1-1

    Review any creative

    Reduction in time spent managing review and approval of creative content.

  • ziflow-2

    Automate any workflow

    Identify and remove review and approval process bottlenecks to raise team efficiency.

  • lp-graphic

    Easily connect your apps

    Work natively with your creative tools, project management and file storage apps.

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