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We’ll see you at Adobe MAX 2022!

4 min read
Katie Oberthaler

After a productive break from in-person events, the Ziflow team is excited to sponsor and attend Adobe MAX 2022 Creativity Conference at the Los Angeles Convention Center on October 18 - 20th. We’re ready to talk shop with the thousands of talented designers, creators, and storytellers who are looking to take their creative collaboration to the stratosphere.

The Ziflow team will be at booth 609, and we can’t wait to showcase our latest features for creative workflow and creative review. 

Electronic signatures for FDA-regulated marketing

Meeting regulatory standards for maintaining creative assets is just as important as producing quality creative work itself. Yet, incorporating compliance oversight into the creative production process remains a struggle for busy creative teams.

That’s why we’re excited to showcase electronic signatures, a brand-new feature in Ziflow that seamlessly enables creative teams to demonstrate compliance with FDA recordkeeping requirements.

Creative teams can now stipulate that review and approval decisions on assets must require an electronic signature in Ziflow. Electronic signatures form the cornerstone of compliance for industries regulated by FDA’s 21 CFR part 11 requirement, which obligates companies to prove that their digital records are trustworthy, reliable, and equivalent to paper records and physical handwritten signatures. 

Electronic signature for online proofs review collaboration

Proof subscriptions

We recently launched proof subscriptions, a new way for creative teams to continually stay in the loop with the progress of creative review and revision. Proof subscriptions empower creatives and collaborators to follow progress from start to finish, without missing any comments or version changes.

This self-serve feature has a number of important benefits to the creative review process. Manually entering reviewers to a proof is a needlessly repetitive task, particularly if the same group of reviewers typically give feedback on creative assets. In short, it wastes the time of the proof maker. Additionally, review bottlenecks can occur when reviewers and stakeholders are not able to automatically subscribe to proofs for updates. 

Proof subscriptions for creative teams to stay in the loop of progress

New creative workflow automation 

Creative work is all about speed and accuracy. Our latest creative workflow tools are intuitive, easy to use, and essential to creative teams looking to fine-tune extraneous time spent on creative tasks. 

We’ve launched new creative workflow automation logic to replace or amend workflows based on certain actions or comments and to automatically sort and group incoming assets across folders. We’ve also expanded the types of media external collaborators can submit into a review environment to include live websites and rich media files for review. See how to make your creative process even more dynamic and responsive with these new workflow options.

Our Ziflow product experts can answer all of your questions as well as provide a custom demo of how Ziflow works with the top agencies and brands across the globe. They’re thrilled to be able to show off the platform in person and walk you through its robust features.

New workflow and automation capabilities that reduce redundant tasks for creative teams - stage approved, append workflow

And if you’re unable to attend the in-person event, don’t worry. Our CEO Anthony Welgemoed, is hosting a virtual session - “How to avoid creative burnout while accelerating your output

Ziflow at Adobe Max 2022 Webinar - How to avoid employee burnout while accelerating output

Come see the Ziflow team and see how we can help your creative team automate the creative workflow!

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