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New product updates: May 2019

3 min read
Anthony Welgemoed

Our May product release went live this morning. Highlights for this release include: extended proof activity, batched new proof emails, Google Drive Team folder support, changing previous versions of a proof, mandatory private comments and searching in the REST API. Read on to learn more.

Extended Proof activity

As all industries move towards common compliance standards, retaining detailed activity on work becomes increasingly important for every business. For our customers, they often review content that is not yet public and need to show they followed their policies during the review and approval process.

To this end, we've extended the proof activity section to capture all changes and actions on a proof. Now you'll be able to see exactly who made what change to the proof and when.

Extended Proof Review Activity Log feature of Ziflow 

Batched Proof Emails

If there's anything we all have in common today, it's a goal of "less email"!

We always suggest that  the proof manager make use of the Hourly and Daily digest email options for reviewers to reduce the number of emails being received. This is especially helpful on proofs with a lot of activity. In addition, Ziflow doesn't send a reviewer an email if they themselves made the only action.

With today's release, we're taking one step closer towards our common mission - when multiple proofs are created at the same time, a single email will now be sent to each reviewer with a link to each proof.

Batch Bulk Proof Emails Inbox Notification with project thumbnails


Google Drive - Team Folder Support

With this release, we’ve added support for Team Drives as part of the Google Drive connection in our Zibots.

Google Drive Team Folder Support connection with Zibots

Change Previous Proof Version

Proof managers now have the ability to change the previous version of a proof. Managers can either disconnect any version of a proof and make it and its subsequent versions a unique proof, or select another proof that will become the new parent of the proof.

Change Previous Proof Version option

Mandatory Private Comments

In some cases it can be useful to have internal discussions before a proof is sent for review to another group or a client.

Proof Managers and Admins now have the ability to force all comments on a stage to be private. This can be set when creating a proof or alternatively specified on the Automated Workflow Template.

Mandatory Private Comments for internal collaborative discussion

Additional Enhancements

  • Public API:  We've added a new endpoint to the public API that allows you to search for any proof in your account. Please see our API docs for more information.

These new capabilities are live in the product now.  Current customers, and those on 14-day trials can start taking advantage of them right away.  

If you haven't yet tried Ziflow, there's no better time to check out the industry's best online proofing solution.

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