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Thank you! Ziflow Earns 2022 Top Rated Award from TrustRadius

1 min read
Katie Spurkeland

Ziflow is honored to be recognized by TrustRadius in their 2022 Top Rated Awards.


Trust Radius badge of Top Rated app in 2022

“Ziflow is dedicated to innovation to give our customers the best possible creative collaboration experience,” said Anthony Welgemoed, co-founder and CEO of Ziflow. “We're excited to see the results of implementing direct feedback into our product, and look forward to the year ahead as we continue to improve the way creative teams review and action feedback.”

TrustRadius is one of the most trusted research and review platforms for business leaders to find and select the right software. To distinguish products by category, TrustRadius uses customer satisfaction rankings–no paid placement or analyst opinion. 

Top Rated Awards are qualified on three key criteria: 

  • Recency: Awards are based on customer reviews that took place within the past year.
  • Rating: Products must have a trScore of 7.5 or higher.
  • Relevance: Product must earn at least 1.5% of the site traffic in the category.

We’re very proud to announce that Ziflow earned a trScore of 9.1 out of 10 and 151 verified reviews to be named as a valuable player in the online proofing software category.

Thank you to our customers for sharing their experience with Ziflow! Your feedback helps decision makers across industries use TrustRadius to identify right-fit providers through verified, peer-based guidance and research. 

Read first-hand accounts of how Ziflow helps brands and agencies deliver exceptional creative on TrustRadius.

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