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Ziflow Gallery View: The next step in transforming creative review and approval

3 min read
John Stetic

To meet insatiable demand for content, you need efficient review and approval processes. Let’s take a look at how Ziflow is leading the charge.

There’s one thing that all marketing and creative teams can agree on: the appetite for digital content is enormous, and if you’re not producing new work constantly you’ll be left behind.

We’re transforming how campaigns and projects are reviewed, empowering your teams with seamless collaboration and accelerated decision-making. 

Our latest release introduces the innovative Gallery View, the first of many new innovations as part of Project Mosaic. Gallery View is now available to all users on Pro and Enterprise plans.

Project Mosaic is designed to streamline the content lifecycle by helping creators and collaborators efficiently review and approve related content. The project focuses on four key use cases that are essential for modern creative teams:

Variant Reviews

Ideal for digital banner campaigns, asset translation projects, or experimenting with different asset treatments, allowing teams to ensure consistency and quality across variants.

Variant Review Gallery View of Project Mosaic in Ziflow for presenting proofs list

Multi-Channel Campaigns

Bring together assets from print to video and everything in between, providing a comprehensive review experience that aligns all elements of a campaign.

Multichannel campaigns view of single project mosaic in ziflow

Document Proofing

Enables page-level review, approval, and versioning, which speeds up the review process by eliminating the need to re-review approved content. This reduces bottlenecks and enhances productivity.

Document Proofing in single proof view of project mosaic in Ziflow-1

Photo Selection

Allows teams to view all photos in one place, enabling collaborative decision-making to select the best images for any project.

Photo Selection feature of project mosaic in Ziflow single proof view-1

Gallery View is just the beginning — we’ve got many exciting updates on the horizon. This new feature enhances the Proof Viewer by allowing reviewers to see everything at a glance and approve anything effortlessly. Users can quickly create sets of proofs in a folder, share a link with reviewers, and give them the freedom to selectively approve each proof. This flexibility and efficiency are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in today’s content-driven market.

Stay tuned for more updates from Ziflow as we continue to enhance the creative review process, helping agencies and brands like yours work smarter and deliver exceptional results.

To experience the new gallery view and more, start a free trial of Ziflow today.

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