Building the business case for online proofing

Click to learn more about building the business case for online proofing in your organization and how to demonstrate what ROI will be achieved.

Mat Atkinson Mat Atkinson     21 Jan 2019     READ TIME: 2 MIN

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For those working in the creative production universe (agencies, internal agencies and marketing teams), facilitating the review and approval can end up like chasing a shadow: Feedback and files are shared across  many disconnected email chains, Slack channels, phone calls, and intranet sites - or worse, physical printouts. Without a set review and approval structure, each content format, from written text to graphic design to video, often dictates its own separate production workflow.

On top of all of that, stakeholders (internal and external) often don’t operate on the same technology systems your creative teams use. And if your workflow includes clients? They have their own preferences for seeing and sending project feedback.

Taking control of this web of processes to keep creative projects on track has typically required implementing and maintaining a complex marketing technology stack. Historically, online proofing and collaboration tools that are available to solve these issues have typically fallen into two camps:

  • Multi-discipline solution suites which only offer limited online proofing features as a part of a broader set of tools
  • Simple apps for individuals or small teams that lack true compliance, versioning or the collaborative punch actually required for managing multi-disciplinary creative marketing teams.

Those limited choices have left a lot of agencies and brands caught in the middle ground between needing a powerful solution for proofing and needing to avoid prohibitive technology costs. This middle ground often means sticking with the status quo instead of up-ending the entire MarTech stack to find a better way, no matter how challenging collaboration bottlenecks become.

Until now.

The rise of stand-alone online proofing software solutions has evolved past the point of basic freemium models. In fact, online proofing solutions have been called one of the most cost-effective components of the marketing technology stack and labeled as the “quickest win in MarTech”.

It’s more than just uploading files and adding comments. Today’s online proofing solutions support more efficient enterprise content delivery through connected collaboration, resource tracking, and process repeatability. 

Still, marketing managers, creative teams, client-facing managers and cost-minded executives may need to be convinced to move to online proofing, and soliciting buy-in always requires a clear path to ROI. 

In our new ebook “The Business Case for Online Proofing,” we cover three avenues that online proofing solutions offer a path forward for all process-based content creators. We dive into how online proofing software is both necessary for project ROI, and why it’s more accessible to organizations of all sizes than ever before.

You’ll see how to use an online proofing solution to:

  • Act as a force multiplier for faster project delivery.
  • Generate cost savings on content rework, printing, contractor timelines.
  • Simplify compliance through version control, controlled sign-offs and more.

Make the case for online proofing—and a better way to manage content production procession for everyone—with this concise business case outline.

Get Your Copy!

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