[RECORDING] On-Demand Access to Ziflow’s Spring 2022 Product Roundup

Learn more about the Ziflow's Spring 2022 Product Roundup from our overview video, or take a deep dive into the latest enhancements by watching webinar.

Katie Spurkeland Katie Spurkeland     10 Mar 2022     READ TIME: 1 MIN

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Table of Contents

Ziflow is excited to announce the release of our Spring 2022 Product Roundup, an overview of the latest products, feature enhancements and workflow improvements, including industry exclusive Batch Review.

If you've got two minutes, check out our product roundup overview for details on the latest enhancements.

If you've got more time for a deep dive into the latest features, access the recording of our Spring 2022 Product Release where we provide an industry overview, introduce latest product releases and give a sneak peek into what's next from Ziflow.

Learn more about how Ziflow powers teams to expedite the delivery of exceptional creative by getting in touch at sales@ziflow.com.

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