Take greater control of your review and approval process

Our most recent release puts even greater control of your online proofing review and approval processes into your hands. Click thru to learn more.

Anthony Welgemoed Anthony Welgemoed     28 Aug 2018     READ TIME: 3 MIN

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One of the consistent development themes across our last few releases has been the idea of customer-customization; the ability to customize the online proofing process via automated workflow, custom domains, private comments and account level settings & defaults to name a few examples.  

Today’s release delivers several enterprise-centric capabilities which will give agencies, brands, and creative marketing teams of all sizes even greater control over their review and approval processes.  There’s a lot to cover, so let’s jump in. Keep reading to see the new capabilities, available today.

Custom Proof Properties

By creating custom proof properties, you can quickly zero in on a subset of your proof library according to your preferred business and/or process views. If you prefer to view your projects by specific attributes (such as project/client name, project or campaign name, billing code, asset type, issue, etc.), you can now create custom metadata for proofs which can be used for filtering, as well as building custom views and sorting.

Online proofing assets properties settings for approval process

The end result is a more customized view of your review and approval progress and outcomes.   
Custom proof properties are available to Enterprise Edition customers only.  


One of the most requested features that had yet to be delivered, is now available. Similar to how you use “@’s” in messaging and project management applications, Ziflow’s @mentions allows you to draw a team member’s attention to a specific piece of feedback within a proof.

Mentions for collaboration team members allow them to see reviewed content rightaway

Mentioned team members are notified immediately of the comment regardless of their notification preference.   

Minor Versions

Ziflow now supports the creation of “minor version” proofs e.g. v0.1 / v1.2.  This unique capability is great for internal work-in-progress (WIP) revisions that don’t warrant a full new version to be shared with a larger set of reviewers or your customers if you are an agency.  

Creating minor versions of proof for internal work-in-progress revisions

These minor versions can be hidden from subsequent reviewers if needed. Minor versions can still be used with our side by side and pixel-level comparison mode.

New Comment Filter Views in the Proof Viewer

With today’s release, reviewers can now filter comments which have received like likes.

UI Optimizations  

In our relentless pursuit of reducing clicks and shortening proofing actions, we’ve made a few improvements on how you interact with the Ziflow dashboard to manage proofs:

  • You can now drag and drop proofs and folders from the list to folders in the sidebar.
  • Proof details now appear inline on the proofs list view, providing quick access to view and edit proof details.
  • The sidebar in your proofs list can now be resized, which is great for accommodating long folder names or deep folder trees.

And that’s not all. We’ve also made these additional improvements throughout the app:

  • Live Website Proofing upgrade, where Ziflow now rewrites absolute URL links on the fly to accommodate HTTP sites.
  • “Keep me logged in” extends your session for a week.
  • Proof & stage statuses now ignore non-decision makers in the calculation.
  • Improved experience when exporting proofs with a high volume of comments.
  • Public proof links allow reviewers to sign in with their email - great for when posting the public link in 3rd party applications.
  • The proofs list has also been optimized and now loads up to 75% faster than before. We hope you enjoy this speed improvement.
  • More API enhancements - We’ve added a number of updates to the REST API. You can find out more by visiting our dedicated API release notes here: Ziflow API Reference.

All in all, this release ends up being one of the biggest since our launch last October. If you’re a Ziflow customer, or on a trial account, these new features are available now (note: some new features do require an Enterprise Edition subscription).

If you haven’t already, you can request a free trial by clicking through below.

CTA section with a form background lolipops blog

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