Uptime Service Level Agreement

Uptime Service Level Agreement

Standard Uptime Reporting

Ziflow provides detailed measurements of uptime which is available to you at https://status.ziflow.com/.


Enhanced Uptime SLA  

The Ziflow Enhanced Uptime SLA is included with the Enterprise Edition. In summary, it is a contractually binding agreement to deliver 99.9% uptime. 

In the event that service levels are not met, Ziflow will provide Service Credits to affected customers, which we have provided details about below.

Enhanced Uptime SLA Detail

The average availability of core services of the Ziflow platform for each month will be at least 99.9%. If Ziflow fails to meet its availability service level during any given month and you request a service level credit, within 30 days of the event giving rise to the credit, then Ziflow will provide you with a credit as described in the table below. If any credits are not used upon expiration of your subscription, then we will apply the credits to any other fees or expenses you owe us. If there are no such other fees or expenses then we will refund the credit amount.

Table 1

Service Level (Monthly Uptime Percentage)

Service Level Credit

Less than 99.9%, but greater than 99%


Less than 99%, but greater than 95%


Less than 95%


A Service Level Credit provides one additional calendar day of use of Ziflow, to be added to the end of your current billing period.

Service Level Credits may not be exchanged for a cash refund.

We will publish a monthly report on our website showing server-side downtime. We show availability every day for the previous 12 months, with an explanation or any day on which we did not deliver 100% uptime.

If a downtime period is less than 10 minutes, it will not be included in the Enhanced SLA. If there are any performance issues resulting from matters outside of our reasonable control, these will not be included in the Enhanced SLA. Scheduled downtime will not be included in the Enhanced SLA, however, we commit to notifying administrators at least 8 hours in advance of any scheduled downtime.

(function (c, p, d, u, id, i) { id = ''; // Optional Custom ID for user in your system u = 'https://tracking.g2crowd.com/attribution_tracking/conversions/' + c + '.js?p=' + encodeURI(p) + '&e=' + id; i = document.createElement('script'); i.type = 'application/javascript'; i.defer = true; i.src = u; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(i); }("4187", document.location.href, document));